cplane request

 From:  Michael Gibson
2599.45 In reply to 2599.43 
Hi Bernard,

> Can the user choose which face of the pasted object he wants
> to use.

Yeah, it will use the construction plane's origin (which by default is the world 0,0,0 origin point) at the time the object was copied to the clipboard as the base point.

So you can position the source object in relation to the origin to adjust that, either that or you can move the cplane to the spot you want.

Also I think there will be an alternate copy command that will prompt you to pick a base point for the copy.

So a few different methods will be available for controlling the part's source position.

> For example what if I want to snap the top of your rocket object
> instead of the bottom ?

So in the examples I showed previously, the pasted in object was in this place when I did Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard:

If you wanted the top to be the snap point, you would instead position the object that you are copying like this:

Or you can alternatively place the cplane instead of moving the object, or use the alternate copy command which will let you click a point and use it as the base point.

- Michael