
 From:  Michael Gibson
2593.5 In reply to 2593.1 
Hi neo - currently probably the best tool for doing that in MoI is actually to use Extrude with the "set path" option, where you set up 2 curve at 90 degrees to one another with each curve having the number of control points you want in that grid direction.

See here for an example:

That lets you more exactly control the number of control points in the resulting surface, since that will generate a surface that is an exact combination of the 2 input curves.

The result of a Network will possibly have a different number of control points in it than the input curves have, because it goes through a fitting process. Also using Network requires setting up numerous curves instead of 2 curves so it is not quite as good for this particular purpose.

In the future I do want to add some functions for adding or removing points from an existing surface. Hopefully I should be able to include some things for that in version 3.

Right now surface control point editing is not really a fully developed area yet.

- Michael