V2 beta Apr-12-2009 available now

 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
2570.88 In reply to 2570.64 
Marc and Michael:
Yes, that feels much better. The lines under the titles give the tabs something to rest on, so they make more sense and do a better job with dividing the space.
Marcs shorter "leg" looks more in line with the general look of MoI to me where the long one was somehow irritating.
I'm still not sure if the leg is needed at all or if the line would be enough to divide the areas when only the upper corner of the tab would be rounded, but that may just be me ;-)

I tried the adjacent browser on my 30" with 2560x1600 and if enough objects are present, it extends just fine to the bottom.
I think I will have all tabs expanded all the time and the browser visible all the time for greatest flexibility. Great system!

I'm so used from other software to automatically have objects named like box_1, box_2 etc. that it currently seems unfamiliar to have to explicitly name them to make them show up under Objects at all. I will have to work for a while with it to see if it "clicks" or stays alien. An alternative would be to have everything named "Unnamed" until it is explicitly named.
Would that be more logical?
Is that something worth a preference?

Automatic naming:
- Off
- "Unnamed" until named
- Automatic numbering by type (Box_1, Spline_1, Extrude_3 ...)
- Automatic naming based on previously given name. (Create a box, call it "Basement" and following objects are called Basement until a new name is given to something)
- Automatic numbering based on previously given name. (Create a box, call it "Basement" and following objects are called Basement_1, Basement_2)

Not sure about the last two though... ;-)

I have to work with it for a while I guess ;-)
More often than not Michaels ideas make a lot of sense after I unlearned other habits!

Thanks a ton!

Thomas Helzle