V2 beta Apr-12-2009 available now

 From:  BurrMan
2570.105 In reply to 2570.104 
>>>>The other thing is that a blank slot seems to stick out even more visually in a line of eyes rather than only a color shift, and it is good to have a high degree of differentiation here.

Should there be some kind of indication that there is something there that is hidden?

If I sent you a file with a few things hidden, you would have to hunt a bit and investigate to find whats there and layed out, versus a visual indicator that there is something hidden in the "red style".

>>>>>Also it seems to be quite common for programs that do this to make the eye disappear, for example if you turn off a layer in Photoshop by clicking on the eye for it, the eye disappears there instead of turning gray.

But there is an indication left that the layer exists.

In the styles, the equivelent would be that nothing is listed there unless it is in use. Then this would be readable as it is in Photoshop. With all the styles listed by default, you wouldnt know what has data or not.

What is your take here?