
 From:  Michael Gibson
2534.7 In reply to 2534.6 
Hi Danny,

> > Does it use 2 picks to define the displacement
> > like MoI's Move command?
> Yeah it does, the only difference is that one command does
> both situations and it's numeric input not drag

Maybe I'm not following, but from what you're saying there you can use MoI's Move command to handle both the axis-aligned as well as the angled case.

So if you want to have one command to handle both situations like you're mentioning, just use Move in MoI and it will do that, with similar picks as to that other Stretch command.

You can also move by a specific distance - type in the distance that you want and it will activate distance constraint to make for a specific amount of displacement. Or you can also use the "Distance from edge" option in Move to make the ending result a displacement of a certain amount away from an existing line (rather than displacement from the first picked point as normally done).

> Just one more thing, somewhere on the forum someone asked
> about when setting the c-plane that the views stay as they
> are, was there a script or switch in the ini to do this?

That's an "Orient ortho views" checkbox inside the CPlane tool :

That was new for the Jan-19 beta, if you uncheck that when you set the cplane the grids will update but the ortho views will remain in their standard world orientations so you will see an angled plane, rather than the ortho views altering to become plan views.

- Michael