Boolean sub bug

 From:  Michael Gibson
2518.18 In reply to 2518.16 
Hi Burr - that one is something different than a mesher - that is an alternate way to define surfaces.

It's more similar to what you see when you select a surface (use Edit/Separate if it is joined) and turn on control points.

@yannada - yeah what I'm doing is not only just wiring tech pieces together (although that certainly can help), but also trying to make a coherent UI that works in a fluid way. Unfortunately that goal is elusive and easily broken. It takes a huge amount of time and care to grow the UI without it becoming difficult to use.

Also yannada, you may need to "not count your chickens before they are hatched". Some libraries that you see may be new and still in their early stages. They are promising but it is not so good to automatically jump to assumptions based on a few images like it sounds like you are doing.

- Michael