Backgroung image edit

 From:  JPBWEB
2501.13 In reply to 2501.12 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for your first class feedback and assistance !

In the meantime, I was able to get by pretty much as you suggested. The remaining issue is not so much orientation of the background images as their relative scales. I often have to use single drawings from planes or ships that show several different angles of view, for example profiles and sections. Using Photoshop and the like, I can separate the various views, but I usually have to spend a lot of time adjusting the different views so that they match.

I mean, assuming that I disregard scale entirely, I lay out the first view in MoI, but then it is a struggle fiddling with the other views so that they are properly oriented and at the same scale. I though it wise to use the same original drawing (i.e. including itels relvant to several views) in all three orientations, lay it out three times in the same plane using snap of the first instance and then orienting two of them in the other directions (hence the need to orient them precisely) and use only the part of each drawing relevant to that view, but it proved very confusing. Using a rectangle or a cube I can more or less orient the drawings (the often get inverted, right coming out as left etc., and it is still very much a trial and error process.

And on top of that, most of the time, I find out that the original drawings do not match by a huge margin and that they need considerable doctoring! That is definitely not a MoI issue, though.

I need to try all that once more. I may have a mental block preventing me of doing what I want in a simple and easy way as everybody else seems to be able to do…