If I don't do organics, will MOI do everything I need?

 From:  Michael Gibson
2484.37 In reply to 2484.35 
Hi Kevin, I certainly don't mind you posting here, but I would like to avoid having threads spiral out of control into flame wars. That tends to suck up a lot of extra time.

I am sympathetic to your position, and I realize that you can also get attacked by zealous supporters of MoI as well. But like I mentioned this is the MoI forum after all so that is not going to be a particularly big surprise.

> I won't post here anymore as clearly from your post other
> points of view are not wanted on this forum.

I welcome other points of view, and we already covered plenty of ground where I agreed with you that MoI was not the right tool for your purpose. I'm not sure how many times you want that to be repeated before you are satisfied.

I mean it is not exactly my favorite thing in the world to spend all my time talking about what MoI does not do well and not mention the things that it does do well... Surely that should be pretty easy to understand.

I don't have any kind of "ban" on critical comments or other points of view, but when things start to repeat without much purpose or spiral out of control into flaming and name calling territory that is also just not my favorite thing to spend time on.

- Michael