If I don't do organics, will MOI do everything I need?

 From:  kevjon
2484.35 In reply to 2484.33 
Hi Michael

>But you do realize that MoI is a NURBS modeler, and that this forum is about MoI, right?
Yep of course.

>As you have surely noticed, I am quick to recommend sub-d over NURBS to someone if it fits their project better.
>That's just a practical thing, I mean I don't want someone to struggle to use MoI in a situation when another tool will work better for their project.
I respect that

>However, if you think that in all cases subd is superior to NURBS then I would have to say that you are very mistaken about that
I've never said that. What I have said or inferred is that for some types of models (cars and aircraft) Sub'd and polygons is a better choice and would be quicker provided you wanted the model for visualization purposes only. If you want to manufacture a car (for example) then your best choice of nurbs modelling software would be a CAD package or even better a high end 3d parametric CAD package. It is possible that MoI would be suitable for some surfacing requirements if the 3D cad package didn't have the tools required for the job at hand but if that is the case you've probably purchased the wrong cad package to start with. I seriously thought Yannada was having me on by suggesting he was going to use MoI to manufacture a real Ferrari from that line drawing he posted. Wouldn't you? Even if you had blueprints from Ferrari you would need a licence from them to build one. Burr of course is the other jokester as he keeps saying he can model that with nurbs but is very careful not to say that he can model that in MoI, which is what the thread is about.

>At any rate, if you hate NURBS so much then I'm not sure why you are hanging out on a NURBS forum?
I don't hate nurbs I use them everyday in my work with Autocad (15 years) and Inventor (6 years). They a perfectly suited to mechanical work and quite like them actually. My interest in aviation art is a hobby only and yep nurbs has not proven suitable for that kind of work. The tools required to get all the subtle curvature of a aircraft are just not there in MoI. You end up with a very stilted model with lots of mesh cracks in it associated with the many surfaces required to create the shape. As to why I hang out on this forum - to see the latest developments in MoI that might prove useful to my work or hobby. I will occasionally make a post that will tell people that nurbs is not suitable for that project based on my experience which is something other people on this forum don't do because they either don't know, don't have the experience or they are fan boys of nurbs and refuse to accept there might be better and quicker alternatives for the project involved. It seems you and a few people on this forum have taken offence at that.

>I mean I don't necessarily blame you for not liking them, they are not the right tool for the work that
>you do and it can be very frustrating to attempt to use a tool for a job that it is not suited for.
>That does not mean that the same tool is not better for someone else who is working on a project that it is suited for though.
Absolutely Michael

Anyway good luck with MoI. I won't post here anymore as clearly from your post other points of view are not wanted on this forum.