If I don't do organics, will MOI do everything I need?

 From:  kevjon
>All car manufacturers use NURBS to model every component in a car accurately, ready for manufacturing.
>I don't think car manufactures use poly, maybe right at the beginning in concept stage for styling purposes.

Hi Danny

I'm well aware of that. I'm talking about modelling up a car in MoI or Rhino (which is what this thread is about) that looks like the real thing. In order to create all the subtle curves of a car would require a patchwork of nurbs surfaces. MoI does not contain tools to keep those patchwork of surfaces tangent to each other. Rhino does have those tools but using them is a time consuming tedious process that takes the Rhino car guys about 10 times longer to create the car than using a good polymodeller.

If MoI or Rhino had the ability to sculpt nurbs surfaces (tsplines) then creating cars would be a lot easier. But if your going to spend $1500US on Rhino and Tsplines you might as well work with a polymodeller which many are free and save yourself the hassle and time of converting your beautifully crafted nurbs model to a nice clean smooth mesh.

Having said all that we still don't know what the original post "vehicles" really means. I am assuming he is talking about modelling cars but could be dead wrong about that. If it is fantasy vehicles or concept cars then MoI would be fine for that because you design it to suit the software rather than have to reverse engineer a Ferrari or Porsche design.

EDITED: 18 Mar 2009 by KEVJON