Scene browser progress

 From:  Mip (VINC)
2470.76 In reply to 2470.75 
Hi Michael,

>>toggle all layers
>> visible/invisible except the one that is ctrl+clicked.

>I've been thinking of using right-click for that purpose.
>A similar thing is currently set up for the checkboxes in the Object Snap menu

Yes. I forgot that it was already implemented in the Snap menu. And it keeps the interface coherence.

>I'm hoping to not have a separate lock icon,
>instead I'd like to have the eye icon show as a lock instead when all those objects are locked.
>But I haven't quite worked out all the details yet.

Do you see it as a triple state button ?
While the interface would stay clean, the states alternance would add one more step to the user.
Another "modifier key + mouse" combination would be more direct.


- Michel