Scene browser progress

 From:  Michael Gibson
2470.29 In reply to 2470.27 
Hi Burr - re: "hotpoint" - yeah that is kind of the problem, especially since the "hotpoint" would be one of a few set choices that probably don't have much meaning except when they are applied to a box...

The good part about the Move command is that it does not limit you to just something like the corners and midpoints of a bounding box, you can snap on to any point as the base point to move, that means you can pick one that is relevant to your particular object like the center point of a cylinder cap that is hanging off to one side that you want to align to a specific point.

The "hotpoint" type system with a limited number of choices would not help for that kind of situation.

What you would probably need to make this work more easily would be a kind of "local axis" reference point that was attached to every object. That would then give a kind of reference point that was bundled along with every object that could be more naturally labeled as its "position". But that bring along a log of baggage, additional UI to control placement of the "local origin" separate from the object, more clutter on the screen, etc... so it is something that I've resisted so far, particularly when the Move command already does that kind of a job.

- Michael