Scene browser progress

 From:  BurrMan
2470.27 In reply to 2470.23 
Hi Michael,

In the previous thread there, ash made a response that would mirror mine here:

(I post this just so your clear on what I was leaning on)

I dont want you to get bogged down with this as I think we already discussed it and I know its something that you have already considered. It's just a workflow that a few others may be used to (My same reference to Corel and Carrara as ash) with the "Hotpoint" addition as a property, but you have pointed out that the Move command does this too.

I suppose I was hoping for an "OUTCRY" of the masses to get what I want and force you to do something that you decided not to do!!! :O Ha!

(On second thought, I'm sure I couldnt push you around!:))
