Text Tool and Unicode

 From:  Timspfd
2464.4 In reply to 2464.3 
Hi Michael,

I'm at work just now but will try that workaround when I get home. (yes, I know MoI can be carried on a key but my work computer is running windows 2000 and has a graphics card that isn't up to it :) )

For the fonts you could use any of the free fonts available at http://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/
I've tried out characters from 3 or 4 of them when I was testing/playing about.
The one in my example is the Aegean font using a few characters from Linear B including unicode # u+10024 and u+10025
The Unicode Symbols font might be good for testing also since it includes a bunch of technical and mathematical symbols that someone might actually want to use some time.
This isn't any huge issue for me, just something I ran across when working on a sci-fi art project in Vue. Vue isn't able to handle any of these characters either. My new desktop is powerful enough I can work in both Vue and MoI at the same time, hopping into MoI whenever I want to create some unique object for a scene. It makes for a nice creative workflow.