
 From:  BurrMan
2463.24 In reply to 2463.23 
OIC. I suppose I'll have to learn the subtlties of exporting polydata. When I was in Rhino and looked at object material properties, "Layers" were the default selected.

Anyway, It looks promissing....I'm struggling a bit with the viewport commands but it might be that i have my middle mouse button doing something other than a click.

Anyway, thanks for the input. If it must be meshed then I stand by your mesher for sure. No mush. Only mesh.

Hey a slogan:

MoI's Mesh no Mush. If want mush, MoI's Mesh no want. If like mesh, no like mush, rush to MoI's mesh.

Ok, Good night. :O (I think I've Hypershot my brain)