About the viewport expansion...

 From:  Displaced
2461.5 In reply to 2461.4 
Thanks for the substantial explanation.

> That sounds like adding UI, which is actually the opposite of less UI right? :)

That's why I said "top left corner" since the viewport name is already located there.

> Like for instance say you are working in the maximized Top view currently and now you want to switch to the maximized Front view.

I almost never feel the need to switch from one ortographic view directly to another, I always have the perspective view as an inbetween stop, so I see it becomes a little backwards in that case, yes.

> Well, the thing is a min/max button does not automatically solve that -
> when you have a maximized viewport you still would need to travel your mouse
> to the far corner of the UI to reach its little button.

But at least it would be just the ONE button, not a HUGE cluster of buttons to pick from... :-p

He, he. Ok. Enough with the quibbling...

Thanks for a great app!