Meshing ... tests and wishes

 From:  Micha

first - I much like the MOI3D mesher, quality and speed are great. Thank you for this tool.

During tests and projects some times some meshes are created and I think, here could the mesher a little bit improved. I will collect this meshes in this thread.


(1) Ellipsoid
From my tests with spheres I got perfect homogeneous meshes, but if I import an ellipsoid from Rhino, than I get irregular triangels:

At some mesh angles it works like expected

Maybe it's possible, that the mesh is perfect homogeneous allways.

(2) mesh #1
Here I wonder me, that at the big main surface no quads are created. Best would be, if the quad edges would match with the edges of the rounded edge at the sides.

(3) rounded cube
I'm not sure it's possible, but it could be nice, if all rounded edges of this cube would show the clean quad polygons.

(4) mesh #2
This is an object, that cause strong artefacts per Rhino mesher. At MOI3D it looks much better, but maybe it's possible that the triangles can be avoided.

(5) mesh #3
This is a plane, where I moved some control points at Rhino. The direct retry to mesh it cause some strange effects,

but after the control points are turned on and moved a little it looks like it should look