Export curves

 From:  Michael Gibson
2446.25 In reply to 2446.16 
Hi Alexito,

> I'm not interseted to modeling in Bryce but I want a
> render with my planes and my curves.
> I post you an exemple, it will be more clear

Sorry it is still not clear to me exactly what you are trying to do even after looking at your example.

Is it that you want the edges of your polygons to be rendered in addition to the shaded polygons themselves? Like a "wireframe view" being displayed at the edges of your surfaces?

If so then that is somewhat different than rendering "curves".

Normally when you say "curves", that actually means a specific thing in MoI, like curves that are drawn using Draw curve / Freeform, things like that. Those are independent objects, edge curves that are part of surfaces are slightly different.

That previous DXF converter program that I mentioned is only for converting independent "curve objects" such as a drawn line or freeform curve, into a DXF file, it will not try to grab edges of surfaces.

At any rate, if Bryce does not render curves or do wireframes then it probably means that you just can't use Bryce to get what you need. If you need to do something that Bryce does not do, you will need to use a different rendering program instead.

You may want to also check in a Bryce discussion forum as well though, maybe there are other kinds of workarounds or other things that a community of Bryce users could tell you about to help you solve your problem.

- Michael