system decimal display

 From:  Michael Gibson
2445.37 In reply to 2445.36 
Hi Burr, it works in combination with the number of decimal places setting.

So for instance if you have Options / General / Decimal display: set to show 2 decimal places, if you enable "Show trailing zeros", you will get numbers displayed like 3.00 , 2.30 , etc..

If you are set up to show 4 decimal places and you enable "Show trailing zeros", you will get numbers displayed like 3.0000 , 2.3000 , etc...

This is all set up now for the next v2 beta.

When "Show trailing zeros" is un-checked (which will be the default initially) you will get numbers like: 3 2.3 , where any zeros to the right of the decimal point are removed (and the decimal point itself removed if it was going to be all zeros to the right) - this is the same as in previous versions.

- Michael