system decimal display

 From:  Michael Gibson
2445.22 In reply to 2445.21 
Hi Burr,

> Well, thats what you gave me now.

Not quite exactly - for example even with these updates above if you set your number of decimal places display to be 4 decimal places (under Options / General / Decimal display), and then create a rectangle and enter in a width of height of 5.45 for it, it will be displayed like this currently:

That's because MoI currently strips out any trailing zeros at the end of a numeric display just to try and make the display a little more compact and simple where possible.

But I can add an option to enable trailing zeros, which if enabled would then make a rectangle with 5.45 width and height display like this when 4 decimal places is set for the display:

When that option would be set, that may help to clarify the precision of any particular number you are looking at since it would not be shortened with the ending zeros removed if it was exact. That would then hopefully give you the same kind of information that you were looking for without using colors or special characters.

Would that help? I'm not completely sure if I have understood the entire thing correctly though.

- Michael