Problem with AI import

 From:  Mip (VINC)
2443.8 In reply to 2443.7 
Thanks Michael,

I suspected that and had moved the control points to some extent to try to set them apart but without zooming enough to see the loop.

In another test, I exported to dxf, imported in CorelDraw and saved as Illustrator 7 then imported into MoI and it worked.
But that's a looong way.

Could it be caused by the fact that Illustrator keeps information on line width as a "double path"?
When an object is decomposed in Illustrator, there are two paths corresponding to the inside and outside of the line.
A decomposed object can be imported in MoI but one of the paths needs to be deleted and it could be a bit imprecise.

It may be a silly idea but, since MoI needs a "visible" path to be imported, does it reads/combines/averages the "line contour" instead of working with the vector path ? And this would create the junk info ?

EDIT - It is a silly idea because changing the line width would give different average patterns when imported into MoI and it doesn't.

- Michel

EDITED: 25 Feb 2009 by VINC