WOW - the beta mesher is great

 From:  Michael Gibson
2440.2 In reply to 2440.1 
Hi Micha, thanks very much for your order and I'm glad that MoI has helped you out on a task already!

One quick note - by default MoI is set up to make a dense display mesh to make for a very smooth looking display.

However, if you're working on a pretty large (like over 10MB) model, these dense display meshes can take up quite a bit of memory and it is better to switch a setting to get a rougher display mesh instead (this only affects display and not export).

To do that go to Options / View / Meshing parameters, and switch "Mesh angle" to 20 degrees, and uncheck "Add detail to inflections".

With those settings you will get a coarser display but it will keep memory consumption down by a considerable amount with heavier files.

re: Your wishes

> * multicore support for opening files (the STEP file import CPU
> usage was 25% at my Quadcore)

I do plan on getting the display mesh generation to also be multicore, which will help for one portion of file opening. Probably not for this very next beta but before v2 is finished.

But it isn't going to be very easy to make the part that actually reads through the file to be multicore, that is done by a library that I license and it will take some time before that part is multi-core capable.

> * the mesher should not start befor the user confirm the
> parameters or the user should be able to stop the meshing
> (simple solution per ESC button)
> * a max error option for the mesher

Both of these I should be able to do for the next v2 beta I think.

> * a 64bit version

Unfortunately it will probably be a while before I can do this one, it is a pretty big piece of work. I don't expect to have this one done for v2. I'm not quite sure when this will happen yet.

Thanks very much for your feedback!

- Michael