Line creation

 From:  Michael Gibson
2413.9 In reply to 2413.8 
Hi Rob,

> What I was asking about before was a way of righting a camera
> that had got twisted in a funny orbit and ends up upside down
> with me spinning wildly which sometimes happens!

Do you have the rotation style set to "Free rotation" ? If you switch it to the "Around world z axis" method instead, it may help you to stay more oriented upwards when rotating around.

Another thing that may help is that you can set up a keyboard shortcut which will let you re-orient the view to point right-side up when you press a key.

To do that, go to Options / Shortcut keys, and add in a new entry. For the key part, put in whichever key you want to trigger this action, and for the command part paste in this:
script:var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D').tiltAngle = 0.0;

Then when you hit that key it should twist your view around so that it is going in the normal world z upward direction, it may possibly help you.

> Also ordered a space navigator yesterday so if i use it in first
> person mode will that unlock the full rotation options for the
> space navigator?

Yeah when you switch that mode it changes how rotation works both with the mouse and with the space navigator as well.

> I know you are wisely hesitant to add to the UI but perhaps
> it could be an option to have the view mode switching option
> in the UI by the snap options for quick access rather than
> having to go through the main options each time?

Usually setting up a keyboard shortcut is the best way to provide quick access to something like that, it will be possible to set up a keyboard shortcut that will switch back and forth between 2 modes, rather than going into the settings UI.

- Michael