MOI3D mesher plugin for Rhino? Closed

 From:  jbshorty
2398.82 In reply to 2398.74 
Michael, I am glad you're early efforts turned out so well. Otherwise I probably would have been using Autodesk Inventor. And well, I'm somewhat happy to be running with the "independent" parties! Actually I might have bought Inventor, except that the salesperson couldn't tell me what advantages it had over modeling in Rhino. I suppose that's what happens when resellers don't actually know what they're selling. Lucky for me! :) I did have to endure 6 months of annoying follow-up calls from the AD reseller...

I know this is way OT, but considering the wild turns this thread has taken, I might as well ask... Didn't I read that your school project was a polygon modeler? Did any of it's workflow trickle into MoI? Or was it a completely different animal (sorry for the bad pun)? Would be interesting to see the type of work it was able to produce back then... :)
