MOI3D mesher plugin for Rhino? Closed

 From:  manz
2398.64 In reply to 2398.59 
Hello Michael,

>>Let us instead focus on this: Shark FX MSRP: $1795.00

I certainly agree that at that actually full version price nearing $2000, that makes it a "main" package. Although actually, does that version even do CAM built in?<<

I was wondering if I should take your statement seriously. A cad system with constraints / animation / rendering, is to you, lacking due to no in-built CAM.

>>none of those bugs that you are referring to were critical data-loss or crash type bugs...<<

We started to have this discussion before, but rather than continue you closed that thread. I am just happy that vendors such as who produce programs as Rhino do not have the same attitude as "if it dont crash then it can wait for a paid for update" OR "if you dont find a bug in the beta then the final release is final with no bug fixes until the next version"

Anyway, your attitude alone as made me remove MoI.