MOI3D mesher plugin for Rhino? Closed

 From:  Micha
2398.6 In reply to 2398.5 
Hi Michael,

thank you for the infos and the suggestion for the shortcuts.

"And actually the total cost of v1 + v2 upgrade I think will be the same as the cost of v2 standalone - the v2 standalone will be going up in price a bit I think."

That sounds like an userfriendly upgrade price policy. I afraid buying the license now cause to pay much more than the v2 price only. Can you say, when v2 will be released - in days, weeks or months?

A question to the Rhino workflow. I remember me, that the reimported meshes was turned to the side allways - is it still so? Could it be possible that the imported mesh is placed at the original NURBS layer?

I understand that it is much work to write a plugin for Rhino and it's better for MOI3D, that you focus your work on it. An other idea: could it be possible that you open MOI3D for plugin developer, so that a plugin could be written by a Rhino plugin developer? The MOI3D interface could be used by other CAD user to write a plugin too. So, you would not need to think about the plugin codeing, the people would buy MOI3D and the plugin could be an open source project or could be bought additional. I think on that the moi3D can be used per command line like "moi3d.exe -parameters original.3dm mesh.obj". Sounds quite easy for me, but I don't much about programing. ;)
It could be great, if at Rhino all rendermeshes would be created by the MOI3D mesher.

Doe's the current mesher support the option "max distance/error NURBS to mesh"? If not, is it planed?
