MOI3D mesher plugin for Rhino? Closed

 From:  jbshorty
Hi Michael.

Regarding your price structure, many of us would agree the price was quite low for such a rock-solid modeling program. But then when you consider it's just the first version, limited to more basic modeling functions, etc I would not say it's "under-priced" exactly. Currently MoI is something of a no-brainer in the "bang for the buck" department at just $195. At some point (perhaps V4) when your price nears the $500 mark, then it won't be such an easy decision for many people anymore. MoI then becomes a "main" package for many people instead of a "support" package. So the concerns of Yannada become even more important issue for new purchasers. At that price, they'll be comparing it to other apps with very extensive functionality and 3rd party plugins...

@ Brian, karma rarely exists on individual level, and never in the world of business. And you can't compare MoI to other apps in similar price range, because it doesn't share the same development path. Think about some of them, and why they are/were as cheap as you mentioned. It wasn't from the kindness of the developer's heart. I paid around $169 for Hex 1.0 Buying 2.0 for just $34 was something of a compensation for the fact that I was unknowingly buying deadware... ;)


PS... Michael, you have at least least one other person working unofficially on Triple Squid staff. I see Brian plugging MoI EVERYWHERE...