
 From:  Michael Gibson
2359.29 In reply to 2359.28 
Hi Burr,

> I'm just a bit confused. I thought TS gave the abilty
> to take a MoI model and set it up like subd with point
> pulling type stuff.

It's sort of the reverse of that - it lets you make a sub-d model by using a polygon hull + point pulling type stuff, but then can output a NURBS model as the final result rather than only exporting a polygon model as the final result.

So you can then do NURBS operations on the result that you just sculpted, like boolean holes in it, etc...

It's not really something that you use to modify an existing NURBS model that you have already created, it's an alternate way to create shapes from scratch (or from imported polygon models that have been created in a poly modeling program).

- Michael