
 From:  jbshorty
2359.24 In reply to 2359.22 
Michael Gibson wrote: "Especially anything having to do with UI is very different, for example Rhino commands expect to interact with the user through the command line, and tell Rhino to show text options on the command line - MoI's UI does not have a command line, MoI instead expects for commands to interact with the user by the command options area where it shows buttons, checkboxes, and GUI controls like that, and these are defined by HTML documents which is a much different structure than Rhino's command line options... So anything involving UI would certainly involve a lot of work and cannot just be automatically moved over....

This probably becomes even more true in the case of version 2.0, as they've now disengaged major parts of the Rhino UI to enable a more subd friendly workflow... I would think the best hope for non-Rhino users is for ts to build a stand-alone conversion app which eats OBJ and spits out 3DM...
