Surface with specified number of points ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
2350.31 In reply to 2350.28 
Hi Kevin, yeah basically control point manipulation of surfaces is not really a fully finished area in MoI yet.

For the most part I kind of assume that if you are really interested in 3D point grid manipulation type modeling that you'll be using a sub-d type modeling system instead of MoI because the mechanism that is used in sub-d lends itself really well to that particular kind of thing.

But there certainly can be situations where NURBS control point manipulation can be useful, so I do want to tune up this area. It just hasn't been a priority initially in MoI, instead the priority has been in the areas where NURBS are particularly strong like booleans and cutting operations for example.

The big limitation with NURBS surface control point manipulation is that a NURBS surface is defined by a kind of 2d UV grid of points. That means when you want to add points (when that is working in MoI) you can't just add 1 single point in somewhere, you have to add in a whole row or column of points at a time. Sub-d on the other hand lets you add in just individual points where you might want them, that is kind of the key reason why it tends to be used more often for this kind of thing.

It sounds like you understand all this already, I just wanted to confirm that what you were mentioning is accurate.

- Michael