Best way to fill in the holes?

 From:  jbshorty
2347.31 In reply to 2347.26 
" need to translate nurbs in rhino to mesh, which can lead to huge amount of polygons, as well as patches with gaps (rhino is not really good in translating nurbs). Meshs from Nurbs are triangulated, so it get's hard to work on the geometries later in Modo..."

I have exported several hundred parts from Rhino to Modo (via LWO, OBJ, and using Modo's importer) and I've never had a problem with the translation. If Rhino produced gaps in a mesh, the user probably created a bad object or was working outside of the join tolerance of the file... The only disadvantage of Rhino to Modo is that sometimes you need to export a bit heavy mesh in order to avoid funky triangulation. It's output is not as clean and orderly as Moi's n-gon output. But there is also one advantage to Rhino is that it can export nested UVs with proper size relationships of each island. Or did Michael add that to the export yet? I know he was planning to, but I once downloaded IE8 beta and now I can't use MoI for the last few months. BEWARE OF THIS, PURE EVIL!!! The only way I can roll back to IE7 is by reinstalling XP... :(

MoI to Modo or Rhino to Modo is not really much different for setting up UVs because you can easily create a good layout using Modo's "UV Pack" function. And you could always resize the UV islands by hand... Anyway, who really needs to further "work on the geometries later in Modo"? What's the point? Even if you can hack some bevels onto it, it's still not properly arranged mesh for subd smoothing...

About Nurbs in Modo, supporting OpenNurbs (3DM) would be fantastic! But i won't hold my breath for it...
