Move Tool Palette

 From:  Michael Gibson
2313.5 In reply to 2313.4 
Hi Matt, I'm glad you're off to a great start with CNC-ing!

> I'm wondering what the core platform this app is built upon.

It's basically a combo of C++ for some "core" services, like drawing stuff on the screen, etc... And then JavaScript for kind of controlling the services at a high level to make commands.

A command controls stuff like when to ask for a point, when to show or hide some UI, when to ask to select an object, etc....

The JavaScript part basically controls things like the flow of the command but calls back into C++ services for various number-crunching type work.

I do plan on doing some work in the future to document the way that scripts work, but it will probably be a while before I'll be able to focus on that, there are just too many sort of "basic end-user" type functions that I'm trying to iron out first before I can focus effort on programmatic type usage.

The closest thing currently to documentation is the moi.idl file which contains a listing of all the properties and methods that are available to be called from a script, there is a link to download that here:

- Michael