The Brain Amplfier - 50's comp entry

 From:  Michael Gibson
2297.8 In reply to 2297.7 
Hi PaQ,

> - I'm hidding/showing edges from the entire scene, would be
> cool if it's possible to hidde edges only on selected models

Just a minor change to that script will do that:

script:var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getBReps(); var hide = true; for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) { var edges = breps.item(i).getEdges(); if ( i == 0 ) hide = !edges.item(0).hidden; edges.setProperty( 'hidden', hide ); }

This version will now only turn edges on or off on selected objects instead of everything.

> so it would be nice if the 'hidded' state is concerved.

Yeah I think that should be something I can tune up before the end of v2.

- Michael