General considerations - Rebuild -Rail revolve - 3D navigation - Deformation tools

 From:  Artaud (PIETRO)
2285.10 In reply to 2285.9 
Hi Michael,

... I just abandoned the file, without saving it. But it is fast to recreate. You will find it attached.

Notice that the curves (the ellipse and the curve) have been done in Moi then pasted in Rhino.
Then I used RailRevolve command, with ScaleHeight option = On.

BTW, I just published a small article on modeling the Fender guitar on my website. Below is the link:

Sorry, the article is in Italian. But maybe someone can use the pictures.

Actually I am playing modeling a violin. It is an interesting challenge... and I have a lot of fun modeling with MoI.

BTW, did you publish Italian U.I.? I used Italian screen dumps for the article, and it would be better that people that will download the software find consistency between images and the version.