Feature request and a few other questions

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2249.9 In reply to 2249.8 
Thanks for your responses.
The 24" inch screen is new for me--but it only accentuates the better workings of the layout option suggestions.

Steves RH layout'
It was suggested a week or so ago that the option for having all the current basic things open at once would be good.
(As shown on my screen shot)
It seems a pretty simple and logical request to me as I think, if you compare it with say the icon sizes on say Photoshop--most other apps!--I don't think there is a serious degrading to MoI if the icons are reduced a bit in size to enable all those options--even on smaller screens.

Edge Deselect
Some apps also deselect (option) if you take the mouse outside of the screen to click! I think, from my experience, that an alternative to deselecting in the work space (without a keystroke) is fairly normal.

Brians RH Bias bottom of screen.
Are you trying to justify the bad habits of most other apps for us RH users?
I think the basic great principle you have derived for the default RH side UI workings conflictcs with the current default lower layout--The Brian layout being more in line with the MoI RH UI principles?

Anyway, food for thought.

Small steps between great and brilliant!
