Rotate/Scaling gizmo in the 3d view

 From:  Michael Gibson
2176.11 In reply to 2176.10 
Hi yannada,

> ps. you clearly have a strong vision to were moi is going
> thus we should all be careful with what to suggest....

I do have a lot of general ideas but things are not completely set in stone or locked in, I do also get a lot of ideas from suggestions as well!

One thing that tends to be a problem though is that it is pretty easy for someone to make a suggestion which could take me many years of work to accomplish. So sometimes I can tell that a suggestion just is not going to be feasible since it will be beyond my limited resources.

Also another pretty big component of the future "vision" for MoI is actually to try and not mess up the simplicity and character that it has already in the current version...

At any rate, user suggestions have definitely played a big role in many ways, so it is helpful to get them!

- Michael