MoIV2 Beta Nov-21-2008 Questions

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2168.62 In reply to 2168.61 

1. Should I have to go through all the list of keyboard functions listed, when opening of the current version of MoI, to confirm which work? Have you/anyone checked? None of the Nudge, big or small, seem to work?

2.Basically, on the Keyboard Shortcuts, as they seem to be set up?, I don't see why I should have to have a mental thing in mind that--This is a function---This is a "Plugin"
(That current list is a combination of what I had and which Burr provided before---I think!----does it matter?)

3. I only get frustrated with Beta releases which don't retain the modifications which I have instigated previously.
The various beta releases--even most updates-- I have been involved with, seem to only modify the "changes" of the app parts----all my inserts/files saves/ sundry being retained in the up date? (Have I been spoilt?)

Sorry--think of me as the "Devils Advocate!"----how many people, at the younger age computer compatability, may be having similar, unexpressed, "why's"!

I wish I make it to Xmas----that I will make it to the actual release of V2 is not yet on my radar!
(What I think/say has no revelance other than it may open minds to potentials of thought.--)

Brian (grumble/grumble!)

My wife loves me---I think! (55years on Jan 16th!)