speeder ship

 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2166.23 In reply to 2166.22 
hi PaQ noooo not 80% there are more normal GI renders there than you think :) , but yes since unbiased engines came out i have used them more and more in my works. the red firetruck was maxwell (beta) ahhh the good old days. now i use fryrender as my unbiased option.
since i have bought moi i have used c4d to bring them in and set up to render in fryrender, but have also used c4d's AR3 to render moi items. using fry on the moi models allows me to test if the object will have any issues in the unbiased engines IE flipped surfaces etc etc.
bottom line is moi, c4d (+AR3) and fry play really nice together and allow me to do my job :)