If i want to see the left side , what should i do?

 From:  Michael Gibson
215.6 In reply to 215.4 
> ...like this? hehe......

Aha, someone has been digging around in the UI! :)

To others - all the MoI UI is contained in .htm files that are inside the \ui subdirectory under MoI's installed directory. You can actually edit these files to change the UI. It's probably a good idea to make a backup of the files before you mess with them.

In this case I had previously experimented with a different UI for switching to the reverse views, and the old experimental UI was commented out in the CommandBar.htm file.

So Petr, do you think that little menu was ok? Somehow it felt kind of clumsy to me, I didn't like it that much. I have taken it out for this new version and now if you just do a second click on the button, it will switch.

- Michael