Smooth transition

 From:  Michael Gibson
2140.16 In reply to 2140.10 
Hi Anis,

> Your tips not tangen but looks good enough....
> Below is the zebra strips :

Actually it looks pretty much tangent to me from those zebra stripes that you showed there.

You may be confusing tangent continuous with curvature continuous.

When the zebra stripes are aligned with one another but have a kink where they meet, that is tangency. You can see the same thing happen on rolling-ball fillets as well. It is when the zebra strips do not even line up with one another that you don't have tangency.

If you want to have stripes not only aligned but also at a smooth transition - that is curvature continuous which is another level of smoothness beyond tangency.

The main thing with that method is that the filled-in patch is actually a planar surface with no curvature to it, so that part is only going to be tangent to the surrounding blends, not curvature continuous.

Can you please post the model of the result you got in SolidWorks? Since it is one surface it is certainly curvature continuous on the interior of itself, but often those tools only produce tangency where they meet with the adjacent surfaces.

- Michael