Symetry curve creation.

 From:  Michael Gibson
2136.2 In reply to 2136.1 
Hi PaQ, I do have some plans for making a symmetry drawing helper tool, it is on my todo list.

> Why I can't use the point (2) as snapping start for a new
> guide line ? Is there any reason why I can't use construction
> curve points as snapping target ?

It can tend to prevent more freedom of point placement when there are too many snaps, especially if you snap to the last picked point it means you have to move your mouse a further distance away from the last point until you start to get a new "free" point.

So that kind of snapping is off by default. You can turn it on by going to the moi.ini file (shut down MoI first before editing the moi.ini file), and inside the [Drawing Aids] section and flip this setting to =y :


Also it is possible to flip this on or off with a keyboard shortcut with this script:
script:moi.drawingAids.snapToPickedPoints = !moi.drawingAids.snapToPickedPoints;

When it is enabled, when you draw a freeform curve, you will see that as you draw, there is a little bit of "sticky" feeling as you place new points since you get the snap to the previous point that was just picked.

One thing that can work for some simple symmetry is to drag out your construction lines before you start placing any points and then you will have snaps available due to the mirrored endpoint snaps of the construction lines. Here is an example:

Notice how when I drag out a construction line from the center line there is also a snap point reflected on to the other side of the center line? That can be useful for some basic quick symmetry.

But I definitely plan on making an actual Symmetry helper tool that will make it easier to draw a single symmetrical curve by drawing only half of the points. That will be the real solution.

Until that time some construciton lines or drawing in some helper reference geometry that is mirrored can do the job for now.

- Michael