Meaningful Shortcut Keys Listing.

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.5 In reply to 2134.4 
"Is your request to eliminate the ability to have custom shortcut keys in MoI and instead have a larger number of hard coded predefined ones?"

Sorry Michael, again a problem of understanding. I don't understand a difference between the two parts of the above---I thought that your system simply allowed us to nominate our own particular key stroke to the script involved--to whatever/by whom script.

A shortcut requires a script>and a key to activate
A shortcut Key requires a clear description of the action involved--in my world!

(What interest is there needed, by the user, me, in the actual detail of the "script"?)

The script should, I feel, be say hidden within the "Name of the Action", it could still then allow each to allocate a key stoke to it of our choice---IF that is important to anyone.

Am I sounding stupid?---sorry if so.

Currently I print out a listof the shortcuts (MoI screen shot) and write my explanation alongside it on the left. Something that does not seem "good practice"?
