Meaningful Shortcut Keys Listing.

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.41 In reply to 2134.40 
Sorry if this sounds a bit thick in the head--or even if I can explain clearly.

Just in relation to the lights in the js scripts folder from the zip.

In My shortcuts I have Ctrl+L Add Light. I presume these are additions.

From my Z key I get the Plugins Gallery which shows, I presume, the lights in your zip?
A. Should that item be in the plugins list? The suggested key strokes do not work any way!
B. However, I presume those keystroke suggestions (by Petr?) would be the best ones to use (with the items in your list) as I guess he is trying to keep a non duplicating list of keystroke allocations.

It's all just so complicated.


And I just saw this, also nominated for the z key? It really is all out of logical control as far as I can logically work with!

ZoomArea – trigger the area zoom on the viewport that the mouse is over.
Z script:var v = moi.ui.getActiveViewport(); if ( v ) v.interactiveViewChange('zoomarea');

EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR