Meaningful Shortcut Keys Listing.

 From:  Michael Gibson
2134.4 In reply to 2134.3 
Hi Brian,

> Michael---Are you saying that, putting a name at the end of a script
> will bring that naming to the beginning?

No - what I mean is that you can alter a script to put a description near the front of it if you wish. That would probably make it easier to remember later on what that script does.

To do that, enter your description inside of a /* */ block just after the script: label at the front.

For example, in the screenshot that you posted, it looks like you have a script under Ctrl+L that changes the light direction. The script currently reads like this:

script:var dir = moi.view.lightDirection; if ( dir.x == 1 && dir.y == (.....continued....)

Instead if you wish to add a comment to it, you can edit that script and place your comment in like so:

script:/* Change light direction */ var dir = moi.view.lightDirection; if ( dir.x == 1 && dir.y == (...continued...)

Maybe I am totally misunderstanding what you are asking for though.

> Would not what I am suggesting be, at least, a common/normal
> necessary approach to be added to the great work in Petr's
> listings on the Wikki?

Actually, taking a second look at what you posted I'm not quite exactly clear on what you are suggesting.

At first I thought that the thing from Carrara that you posted was of its shortcut key editor. But taking a closer look, it seems to actually be a piece of printed documentation with a list of predefined shortcut keys on it?

Is your request to eliminate the ability to have custom shortcut keys in MoI and instead have a larger number of hard coded predefined ones?

- Michael