Requests &...from Pilou:)

 From:  Michael Gibson
207.77 In reply to 207.76 
Hi Pilou:

> for the V1?
> Something for manage the numerous objects (layers, freeze, group,......

I'm not sure... Certainly I will work on this sometime in 2007 but possibly not for the initial V1.

Please realize that it's not the end of the world if every feature doesn't make it into the first release! :) V1 is a beginning, not the end - after the first release I will of course continue to add and improve things.

I want to work very carefully on areas like this that require a large amount of UI work.

> AI 2D format ? (not copyrighted? )

I think that this will be possible for V1, it will likely be the only other file format added before the V1 release.

> And background image will be possible integrated in a Plan 3D?
> So possible to rotate :)

Yes, this one is planned as well, I actually hope to be able to add this in for the next beta, but I haven't started it yet.

- Michael