Requests &...from Pilou:)

 From:  Michael Gibson
207.39 In reply to 207.38 
> (file 3dm linked: volume on the left is the "poly" transformed in
> Nurbs) on the right the operations line above )
> Seems all vertical facetts don't weld in only one facett?

The object on the right appears to have a lot of duplicated surfaces in it, I think that is causing the problem there.

One other tip - although boolean union will often work for this, it is really not quite designed for this type of operation, it is more intended for objects that intersect each other (by pushing through each other, not just along edges only). If you have a bunch of surfaces that just touch each other edge-to-edge, then you'll get better results from using Edit/Join to bring them together, it is designed for that type of situation.

> Ps Does exist in Moi an automatic function after an auto-trimming of
> several nurbs surfaces for delete all that not define a volume?

No this does not exist in MoI currently. It would be possible to add this function, but I'm not very sure that it is really that useful, since it only functions in this particular case where you have created several surfaces that are extended past each other on all sides. You can get the same results right now by just doing regular trim followed with a join.

Maybe at some point in the future I can add this in as a special case for one of the boolean operations.

> Coons and Gordon surfaces are implicit inside MoI or don't exist?

They don't exist right now, but I do plan on adding these.

- Michael