xyz coords

 From:  Michael Gibson
2064.15 In reply to 2064.14 
Hi Anis,

> I have setting my moi3d xzy orietation same as orientation in swx.
> But when i open a 3dm from moi to swx the orientation is not
> same. Is this normal and how to solve it ?

In MoI changing the axis labels only changes some of the UI - it doesn't actually change any of the data that is written to a file for example. That's normally good because most files formats follow their own particular convention about which directions correspond to x, y, and z.

In 3DM files it is the convention that the Top view is of x/y and z is elevation. That has always been the standard orientation of Rhino and for 3DM.

It looks like SolidWorks in their 3DM importer has decided to preserve the coordinate values, instead of preserving the orientation. Really they should be rotating the data when they import it to preserve the orientation of the data as it was originally defined in the 3DM file, that is with x/y being the Top.

That looks like something that they should fix up in their 3DM importer. Have you checked to see if there are any options that you could enable in their importer to adjust that?

- Michael