Simplify lines or arcs

 From:  Michael Gibson
2051.5 In reply to 2051.1 
Hi George, I've added that to the wishlist for now but it should not be too hard to add that in at some point here.

One piece that has to happen first is finishing up the "Object properties" panel, which I think will also have a place on it to pull up a menu of a variety of advanced tools. That will give me a place in the UI to add tools like this.

Paolo - this would be like the SimplifyCrv command that I put in Rhino, it is different than ChangeDegree, it is for taking a curve that is made up of many segments and merging colinear lines into single larger lines, and arc fragments that are arcs of the same circle into larger single arc segments.

And yes like PaQ mentions currently the easiest workaround is to use Edit/Separate followed by a Construct/Boolean/Union - Union has stuff in it to merge those planes together into single larger planes. Or if you want to work at the curve level currently you currently would have to select control points for the internal points and delete them.

- Michael