igs and stp import export

 From:  Michael Gibson
2047.17 In reply to 2047.16 
Hi Steve, I've talked to the author of the STEP library that I'm using and he says that it should not be very difficult to enable an option to write out circles as "circle" entities instead of as more generic "spline" entities. I'm not exactly sure when that will be complete but it is somewhere in the queue now.

However, he also mentioned that there is an option for this that can be enabled currently for IGES export.

I've attached a test file that sets that option.

Can you please see if this cylinder_test.igs file works better for dimensioning in Alibre?

If so then that is one thing that will be easy for me to set up for the next v2 beta, and that could be an option to get it done until the STEP equivalent is ready.

> So I also tried extruding a cylinder in MoI and not deleting the
> circle. But Alibre would have none of that and refused to even
> open the file.

That seems to be a particular quirk of Alibre - other programs seem to deal with curves present in a STEP file as well as solids... If they don't want to read in "stand alone" type curve data, they should just skip them instead of failing the whole import. I think that one is something that they will need to fix up in Alibre.

- Michael