Hot keys of Moi3D

 From:  tyglik
204.8 In reply to 204.6 
>>Is it normal than a line is drawn and disapears at the end? I suppose yes :)

Natch!..... hehe

>>Have you plan the same for Angle between 3 points in the space?

I guess there is no need for such commands as EvaluatePoint, Distance or Angle, actually. You can use Point, Line or Arc commands when you want to get particular information about the object. The Point, Distance, and Angle controls at the bottom of the screen provide a feedback. But when I want to learn a little more about scripting in MoI, I try to start with simple thing...

>>Ps What is the language used?

Scripting language? JScript

>>Pss For the translation : is not possible to use something yet existant in the ui folder?
>>Else now we are obliged to translate in the Command Folder too !
>>(not very practical:)

You are quite choosy.... hehe....
